Department of Mathematics

Albert Nerken School of Engineering
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
New Academic Building, 41 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003
• tel. 212-353-4331 • fax. 212-353-4341


Useful Links

So it turns out you love math! You've taken some math classes in high school. Perhaps you are already in college and have taken some college-level math. You can't see yourself not doing math... Now what? Can you make a career out of mathematics? What can people do with their mathematical training?

For Prospective Mathematicians Career information for students considering further studies of mathematics, particularly graduate school. Information provided by the American Mathematical Society.
MAA Career Page Resource similar to above, provided by the Mathematical Association of America.
SIAM Profiles of Professional Applied Mathematicians This page is a resource of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. It is particularly useful for students with applied and/or interdisciplinary interests.
Math for America Foundation Interested in teaching math after college? Explore the opportunities currently available, part of a nation-wide initiative aimed at enhancing high school mathematics and science education in the United States.
Society of Actuarial Scientists Do you like probablility and statistics? See how actuaries use the theory that you see in our courses on a daily basis.