• Ma 224.1 -- Probability and Statistics
This course deals with sample spaces, random variables, probability. Distribution and density functions. Expectation. Mean and variance. Moments and generating function. Central limit theorem. Point estimation. Confidence intervals. Hypothesis tests. Chi-square. ANOA. Estimations, sampling theory. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 113; corequisite Ma 223
• Ma 326 -- Linear Algebra
Finite-dimensional vector spaces. Linear independence. Dimension. Basis. Subspaces. Inner product. Matrices. Rank. Determinant. Systems of linear equations. Matrix algebra. Coordinate transformation. Orthogonal matrices. Linear transformation. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Quadratic forms. Canonical form. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 223
• Ma 336 -- Statistics
Statistical central limit theorem. Decision theory. Estimation: properties of estimators, point estimation, confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing: simple and composite hypothesis, Neyman-Pearson lemma, sequential methods, relationship to estimation. Normal distribution tests: t-test, chi-square, F-test. Introduction to non-parametric methods, regression and analysis of variance. 3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223 and Ma 224
• Ma 337 -- Operations Research
Linear programming, simplex method, graphs and network theory, dynamic programming, game theory, queues, variational techniques, duality, Markov chains, Monte Carlo simulation, decision theory. Special topics depending on student interest, possibly including language questions, integer programming, nonlinear programming and topics from mathematical biology, econometrics and other applications of mathematics to the sciences and social sciences. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 224
• Ma 341 -- Differential Geometry
Theory of curves and surfaces, curvature, torsion, mean and Gaussian curvatures length, area, geodesics, 1st and 2nd quadratic forms, conformal mapping, minimal surfaces, tensor formulation and applications. 3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 223 and permission of instructor
• Ma 344 -- Tensor Analysis
Tensor algebra, covariant and contravariant tensors, metric tensors, Christoffel symbols and applications. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 326
• Ma 345 -- Functions of a Complex Variable
Topological properties of complex plane, complex analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, line integrals, Cauchy's integral theorem and formula. Taylor series, uniform convergence, residues, analytic continuation, conformal mappings and applications. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 223
• Ma 347 -- Modern Algebra
Sets and mappings, the integers: well ordering, induction residue class arithmetic, Euler-Fermat theorems. Permutation groups: cyclic decompositions. transpositions, conjugate classes of permutations. Abstract groups: morphisms, subgroups, cyclic groups, coset decompositions. Factor and isomorphism theorems. Direct products of groups. Sylow's theorems. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 326
• Ma 350 -- Advanced Calculus I
Sets and functions, topological properties of real line, continuity and uniform continuity, differentiability, mean value theorems, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral and Taylor's theorem. 4 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 223
• Ma 351 -- Advanced Calculus II
Uniform convergence. Differentitation of transformations, inverse and implicit function theorems. Applications to geometry and analysis. 4 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 350
• Ma 352 -- Discrete Mathematics
Relations. Mathematical structures. Number theory. Algorithms. Complexity of algorithms. Cryptology. Recurrence relations. Graph theory. A shortest-path algorithm. Planar graphs. Trees. A maximal flow algorithm. Finite-state automata. Languages and grammars. Turing machines. The Church-Turing thesis. Unsolvable problems. 3 credits. Prerequisite: Ma 110
• Ma 370 -- Selected Topics In Mathematics
This is a seminar course involving discussion of topics in pure or applied mathematics that will be chosen by mutual agreement between the students and the instructor. Students will work independently on projects that may be of special interest to them. 3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 326 and permission of the mathematics faculty
• Ma 381 -- Seminar
Individual investigation of selected topics in pure or applied mathematics, centered on a subject to be agreed on between students and the faculty leader. Emphasis will be on training in
independent reading of mathematical literature, oral presentations and group discussions of the theory and problems. Credits and class hours to be determined by faculty on individual basis. Prerequisite: Ma 223
• Ma 382 -- Seminar (continuation of Ma 381)
Credits to be determined by faculty on individual basis. Prerequisite: Ma 381
• Ma 391 -- Research Problem 1
An elective course available to qualified upper division students. Students may approach a faculty member and apply to carry out independent research on problems of mutual interest in pure or applied mathematics. Each student is encouraged to do independent creative work with faculty guidance. 3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 240 and permission of research adviser
• Ma 392 -- Research Problem 2
Continuation of Ma 391. This is intended to allow students to continue ongoing research. 3 credits. Prerequisites: Ma 391 and permission of research adviser